Buying a new roof too soon means that you’re putting out money long before you need to, but putting off necessary replacement is worse. As a property owner, it is imperative that you understand the limits of preventive maintenance. Periodic inspections and timely repairs are just a lifeline, after all. At the end of the day, you can’t reverse your roof’s age and make it last forever.
So, what could go wrong if you delay the replacement of a structurally unsound roof?
Dealing With Costly Water Damage
The prospect of paying for the restoration of the interior of your property or any of its contents should be enough motivation to replace your leaky roofing system when needed. Prolonged presence of moisture is destructive to many construction materials, such as wood and iron-containing alloys.
Setting the Stage for Mold Growth
The spread of mold may be an incidental consequence of water infiltration, but it must be stopped. This microorganism is a threat to the health of anyone sensitive to it. Plus, its colonies are a disgusting sight.
Welcoming Unwanted Guests
Every roofing company will say that any breaks in the property are an open invitation to critters. The interior of your property is an ideal environment for many pests to live.
Increasing the Chances of a Fire
Water can beget fire. Shorted wires can cause sparks when wet and set your property ablaze if you leave the electricity on in areas directly affected by your leaky roof.
Being Held Culpable
If your damaged roofing system collapses or injures someone, your insurer could refuse approval if you are found to have not taken every step to avert the situation.
Let New View Roofing diagnose your roof’s problem in order to determine how long you can afford to shelve replacement and get by with repairs. Call (469) 232-7220 to schedule a free inspection in Dallas, TX.